Essential Tools Every Business Videographer Needs in Their Kit

In the realm of business videography, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference between a mediocre production and one that truly captivates your audience. Whether you’re aiming to create compelling marketing materials, training videos, or captivating visual content for your business, the following tools are essential for every videographer’s kit:

Whether it’s external hard drives, cloud storage, or a combination of both, ensure that you have adequate storage space to safeguard your files.

1. High-Quality Camera

Investing in a high-quality camera is paramount for producing professional-grade videos. Look for a camera that offers crisp resolution, excellent low-light performance, and versatile shooting capabilities to accommodate various filming scenarios.

2. Stabilization Equipment

Smooth, steady footage is key to creating polished videos. Stabilization equipment such as gimbals, tripods, or stabilizers helps eliminate shaky footage, resulting in a more professional end product.

3. Audio Equipment

Don’t overlook the importance of high-quality audio. Invest in microphones, such as lavaliers or shotgun mics, to capture clear, crisp sound during filming. Additionally, consider using audio recorders or audio interfaces to ensure optimal sound quality.

4. Lighting Setup

Proper lighting can dramatically enhance the visual appeal of your videos. Invest in a lighting kit with adjustable brightness and color temperature to achieve the desired look and ambiance for your shoots.

5. Editing Software

Editing is where the magic happens in video production. Choose a robust editing software that offers a wide range of features and tools for fine-tuning your footage, adding effects, and creating seamless transitions.

6. Backup Storage

Protect your valuable footage by investing in reliable backup storage solutions. Whether it’s external hard drives, cloud storage, or a combination of both, ensure that you have adequate storage space to safeguard your files.

7. Licensed Drone

For capturing breathtaking aerial footage, a licensed drone is indispensable. Drones offer unique perspectives and can add visual interest to your videos, making them especially valuable for outdoor shoots or showcasing large-scale projects.


Equipping yourself with the right tools is essential for achieving professional results in business videography. From high-quality cameras and stabilization equipment to audio gear and editing software, each component plays a crucial role in creating captivating video content. By investing in the proper tools and mastering their use, you can elevate your videography skills and deliver impactful visuals that resonate with your audience.

As a full-service video and photography production company, St Louis Video and Photo has extensive experience working with businesses, marketing firms, and agencies in the St. Louis area for their corporate photography and video needs. Our team is equipped with the right equipment and creative expertise to ensure successful image acquisition for your projects. Contact us today to learn more about how we can customize productions to meet your diverse media requirements and help elevate your brand’s visual presence.

Call to Action: As a full-service video and photography production company, St Louis Video and Photo has worked with many businesses, marketing firms, and agencies in the St. Louis area for their corporate photography and video.


Run and Gun Videographer Strategies For Corporate Videos

The term “run and gun” might conjure images of chaotic, unplanned shooting, but in the hands of an experienced video producer, it becomes a strategic approach for delivering impactful corporate videos. At St. Louis Video, we understand the challenges and opportunities of run and gun videography, and we’re here to guide you through the process. As a full-service video production company with a wealth of equipment and creative crew service experience, we can help you create compelling productions that meet your diverse creative needs.

B-roll footage is the unsung hero of corporate videos. It provides context, visual interest, and helps cover edits.

The Essence of Run and Gun Videography

Run and gun videography refers to a style of shooting that’s characterized by its speed, flexibility, and minimalistic approach to gear. It’s the art of capturing engaging content on the fly, often in unpredictable settings, without sacrificing quality. This approach is particularly valuable for corporate videos, where efficiency and adaptability are paramount.

Here are some key aspects of run and gun videography that we’ll explore in this article:

  • Equipment Essentials: What gear do you need to succeed as a run and gun videographer?
  • Planning and Preparation: How to organize your shoot for maximum efficiency.
  • Lighting and Sound: Tips for achieving professional results on the go.
  • Interviews and Talking Heads: Strategies for capturing compelling interviews and testimonials.
  • B-Roll and Cutaways: The importance of supplementary footage in post-production.
  • Teleprompters for Efficiency: Enhancing message delivery in corporate videos.
  • Repurposing Your Content: Maximizing the value of your corporate video productions.

Equipment Essentials

Camera Selection

One of the hallmarks of run and gun videography is the use of lightweight, portable cameras that don’t compromise on image quality. Many professionals opt for mirrorless cameras or compact camcorders with excellent low-light performance. These cameras offer the flexibility needed to move quickly and adapt to changing shooting conditions.


Investing in a versatile set of lenses is crucial for a run and gun videographer. A fast prime lens for low-light situations, a wide-angle lens for establishing shots, and a zoom lens for flexibility are all valuable additions to your toolkit.


Smooth footage is essential in professional videography. To eliminate shaky shots, consider using a gimbal or a handheld stabilizer. These tools can make a significant difference in the overall quality of your videos, especially when you’re on the move.


Clear and high-quality audio is non-negotiable. Invest in a good shotgun microphone or lavalier microphones to ensure that your subjects’ voices come through crisp and clear. A portable audio recorder can serve as a backup for capturing pristine audio, especially in noisy environments.


While run and gun videography often relies on natural light, having a portable LED light panel in your kit can be a game-changer. It allows you to control the lighting in challenging situations, ensuring that your subjects are well-lit and visually appealing.

Planning and Preparation

Efficiency in run and gun videography starts with careful planning and preparation. Here’s how to set yourself up for success:

Pre-Shoot Checklist

  • Storyboard: Even for spontaneous shoots, having a rough idea of the shots you need can save valuable time on location.
  • Equipment Check: Ensure all your gear is in working order and that you have all the necessary accessories, including spare batteries and memory cards.
  • Location Scouting: If possible, visit the shoot location in advance to assess lighting conditions and potential challenges.
  • Release Forms: If you’ll be capturing interviews or testimonials, make sure you have the necessary release forms signed by your subjects.

Shot List

Create a basic shot list to guide your shooting process. This list should include essential shots, angles, and compositions that you want to capture during the shoot. While flexibility is key in run and gun videography, having a roadmap helps maintain focus and ensures that you capture the necessary footage.

Efficient Workflow

Organize your equipment in a way that allows you to access what you need quickly. Consider using a camera backpack or a rolling case to keep everything organized and easily transportable. Time spent fumbling with gear is time wasted.

Lighting and Sound

Achieving professional-looking results in run and gun videography can be challenging, but proper lighting and sound techniques can make a significant difference.

Natural Light

Whenever possible, leverage natural light to your advantage. Shoot during the “golden hours” of sunrise and sunset to achieve soft, flattering lighting. If you’re shooting indoors, position your subject near windows to utilize natural light sources.

LED Lights

Portable LED lights are invaluable in run and gun situations. They provide a consistent and controllable source of light, allowing you to enhance the quality of your shots, even in challenging lighting conditions. Experiment with different angles and diffusion techniques to achieve the desired look.

Audio Considerations

Good audio is essential for corporate videos. To capture clear and professional sound on the go:

  • Use a shotgun microphone with a windscreen to reduce unwanted noise.
  • Employ lavalier microphones for interviews to ensure that each speaker’s voice is recorded separately.
  • Monitor audio levels using headphones to catch any issues during recording.
  • Record room tone to aid in post-production sound editing.

Interviews and Talking Heads

Many corporate videos feature interviews and talking heads, making it crucial to capture engaging and professional-looking footage. Here are some tips for success:


  • Use the rule of thirds to compose your shots, ensuring that your subject is off-center for a more visually appealing look.
  • Maintain eye contact with your subject, even if you’re behind the camera, to establish a connection and make them feel at ease.
  • Vary your shot sizes to add visual interest. Shoot wide, medium, and close-up shots to provide editors with options during post-production.

Interview Environment

  • Choose a quiet location free from distractions to conduct interviews.
  • Frame your subject against a neutral or relevant background that reinforces the message of the video.
  • Consider using a teleprompter to help your subject deliver their message confidently and without hesitation.

Engaging Questions

Asking the right questions can elicit compelling responses from your interviewees:

  • Prepare a list of open-ended questions that encourage thoughtful answers.
  • Be an active listener and follow up on interesting points to dig deeper into the subject matter.
  • Maintain a conversational tone to keep the interviewee relaxed and engaged.

B-Roll and Cutaways

B-roll footage is the unsung hero of corporate videos. It provides context, visual interest, and helps cover edits. Here’s how to make the most of it:

Always Be Rolling

In run and gun videography, you never know when a great B-roll opportunity will arise. Keep your camera rolling even when you think you’ve captured the shot. You might capture a candid moment, an unexpected event, or a unique angle that enhances your video.

Covering Edits

B-roll can be a lifesaver during the editing process. It allows you to hide jump cuts, add transitions, and break up the monotony of a talking head segment. Whenever you have the chance, capture supplementary footage that can be used to smooth out your final edit.

Storytelling Shots

B-roll isn’t just about filling gaps; it can also contribute to the narrative. Look for shots that tell a visual story or reinforce the message of your video. For example, if your video is about a company’s commitment to sustainability, capture shots of employees recycling or using eco-friendly products.

Teleprompters for Efficiency

In the corporate world, delivering a polished message is essential. Teleprompters are a valuable tool for achieving efficiency and professionalism in your videos.

Benefits of Teleprompters

  • Ensure that your subject delivers their lines confidently and without errors.
  • Maintain a consistent pace and tone throughout the video.
  • Reduce the need for retakes, saving time and resources during production.
  • Enable non-professional speakers to deliver messages smoothly.

Setting Up a Teleprompter

To use a teleprompter effectively:

  • Place it near the camera lens so that the speaker maintains eye contact with the audience.
  • Adjust the scrolling speed to match the speaker’s comfort level.
  • Practice with the teleprompter before the shoot to ensure a natural delivery.

Repurposing Your Content

One of the strengths of run and gun videography is its ability to generate a wealth of content quickly. To maximize the value of your corporate video productions, consider repurposing your footage for various platforms and purposes:

Social Media

  • Cut shorter clips for social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.
  • Create teaser videos to generate interest and drive traffic to your longer-form content.

Blog Posts

  • Transcribe your video content and use it as the basis for blog posts or articles.
  • Embed video clips within your blog posts to engage your audience visually.

Email Marketing

  • Use snippets from your video in email marketing campaigns to capture your audience’s attention.
  • Include links to the full video for those who want more information.

Webinars and Presentations

  • Extract key insights and statistics from your video to use in webinars and presentations.
  • Incorporate video clips to make your presentations more engaging.

Training Materials

  • Use video segments as training materials for employees or clients.
  • Create educational modules based on your video content.

By repurposing your content, you can extend its reach and impact, making the most of your run and gun videography efforts.


As a full-service video creation company, St. Louis Video has worked with many businesses and organizations in the St. Louis area to create their productions. We have experienced videographers, directors, and producers ready to create whatever video or photography service is needed. We are experts at shooting talking heads, interviews, and testimonials, and we ensure that the appropriate B-roll is captured to enhance the editing process. Additionally, we offer teleprompters to facilitate more professional and efficient message delivery.

In the world of corporate video production, the run and gun approach can be a powerful strategy when executed skillfully. It allows you to adapt to various creative needs quickly and efficiently while maintaining a high level of production quality. With the right equipment, preparation, and techniques, you can create impactful corporate videos that resonate with your audience.

So, whether you’re aiming to deliver a compelling message, showcase your company’s products and services, or engage your audience on social media, consider the strategies and insights shared in this article to make your run and gun videography efforts a success. Contact St. Louis Video today to explore how our expertise and creative crew service experience can elevate your corporate video production to the next level. Your vision, our expertise—let’s create something extraordinary together.
